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Constitution of Desert Pines Baptist Association

(As adopted October 22, 2017)

Article I – Name

This cooperative body of churches shall be called the Desert Pines Baptist Association or DPBA, located at 1016 South Main Street Snowflake, Arizona 85937. This Association of churches shall cooperate with and be affiliated with the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention (or AZSBC) and the Southern Baptist Convention (or SBC).

Article II – Purpose

This Association of churches shall be the extension of Christ's kingdom, the cultivation of a missionary spirit that would work together for winning souls to Christ, by enlisting and training of Christians for service, the promotion of missions, stewardship, fellowship and Christian education, cooperation with the AZSBC and the SBC in a world missions program. Member churches shall use the Baptist Faith and Message adopted in June 2000 by the SBC as a guide for our faith practice (Matthew. 28:19-20; Acts 2:42; 1 Cor. 12:27).

Article III – Authority

This Association of churches shall have full authority for carrying on its work, but shall never exercise any legislative or ecclesiastical authority over any church, nor shall it in any way interfere with the rights and independence of the churches affiliated with it through its messengers. (1 Peter 5:3-6; Revelation 2:6).

Article IV – Dissolution Clause

In the event of the dissolution of the DPBA, none of the assets shall go for the benefit of any individual or church within this body of believers. All assets shall first go to the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention or the Southern Baptist Convention. The selection of the beneficiary will be determined by a two-thirds (2/3) vote by all members present at the business meeting to dissolve the Association.

Article V – Constitution Amendments

Section 1

This Constitution may be amended at the Annual Meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present.

Section 2

Any proposed amendment(s) to the Constitution must be presented to the Administration Team members sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting to study the proposed amendment(s) for whatever impact their adoption would have on the work of the DPBA. Upon the Administrative Teams approval they will recommend the amendment to the DPBA Churches in writing, ten (10) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
