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Bylaws of Desert Pines Baptist Association

(As approved October 23, 2021)

NOTE: Words that are struck, (example, Jimmy Bean) are to be removed.
Words in red are to be added, (for example, Jimmy Corn).

Article I – Organization

This Association of churches is a Theocracy of churches under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. This body of believers retains unto itself the exclusive right of self-government in all phases of the spiritual and temporal life of this Association. We are democratic in our government but the DPBA is much more (Acts 2:42; 1 Peter 3:8; 1 Cor. 12:27).

Article II – Cooperation

Section 1

Member churches in the DPBA who are considered to be in “Good Standing” are expected to be faithful in all the duties essential to Kingdom growth, to regularly attend the meetings of this Association; to support its causes, and to share in its organized work (Heb. 10:25; Mat. 16:24; 1 Peter 3:7; 2 Cor. 5:7; Prov. 3:5-6; Deut. 5:33; Eph. 2:10; 1 John 4:8;2 Cor. 5:17).

Section 2

Each cooperating church in the Association shall make an annual report of its activities in the form of the Annual Church Profile (ACP) either to the DPBA or online ( so the information is available for the DPBA, the AZSBC, and the SBC. Any church that fails to complete their ACP report for two (2) consecutive years shall lose the right to be represented by its messengers and the right to serve in the DPBA Ministries, Teams or Committees. The Administrative Team along with the DOEM shall make every effort to reconcile the issues but if the church does not submit an ACP report by the third (3rd) year the pastor and/or church representatives can be removed from the Administrative Team and/or any Ministry/Committee they are serving on. When the issues have been resolved fellowship and the right of service will be restored (Proverbs 17:14; Ephesians 4:31-32; James 4:1-6; Matthew 5:9; Luke 17:3 Philippians 2:4; Romans 12:17-19; 1 Corinthians 6:1-8).

Section 3

When a report is brought to the Association that one (1) of the member churches or Mission church’s is holding to a heretical doctrine or practice, this charge will be investigated by an ADHOC committee selected by the DOEM and/or Administrative Team. The DOEM and any member(s) of the Administrative Team are available for counsel. The attitude of the members toward one another shall be a concern for reconciliation rather than exclusion (Matthew 18:15-17; 2 Corinthians 2:5-11; John 13:35; Romans 15:19; Ephesians 4:29; Galatians 6:1). Upon creditable evidence (Matthew 18:15-17; 2 Corinthians 2:5-11) and an unrepentant attitude a recommendation shall be made to exclude from membership and participation in the rights and privileges of this Association by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the messengers at the Annual Meeting or Special Called Meeting of the Association.

Section 4

If a cooperating church in the Association is having unresolved issues with the leadership of the Association, the Administrative Team shall appoint an ADHOC Committee of no less than three (3) and no more than five (5) to investigate. They shall report their findings and recommendations back to the Administrative Team who will after prayerful consideration carry out the appropriate action to correct or discipline (Matthew 18:15-17; Ephesians 4: 15-16 & 31-32; Luke 17:3; Philippians 2:4; Jn. 7:24; 1 Corinthians 12:25-27).

Article III – Membership

Section 1

This Association shall be comprised of Baptist Churches and their Missions who adhere to the principles and purposes of this Constitution and Bylaws and desire to cooperate with the churches in the DPBA.

Section 2

This Association or Churches will cooperate to its fullest extent in the establishment of new church-type mission work with a Desert Pines Baptist Association member church. The Association will not sponsor a church-type mission without a sponsoring church within the Association.

Section 3

Churches desiring representation in the Desert Pines Association shall petition by letter the DPBA. The Administration Team shall follow the DPBA Policy and Procedure Manuel to investigate the petition or petitions and report its findings and recommendations to the Association at its Annual or Special Called Meeting.

Section 4

It shall be the duty of each cooperating church in good standing to provide to the recording secretary the names of their approved messengers attending the DPBA Annual and/or Special Called Meetings. The Association clerk will provide cards or an email version in compliance to Article IV, Section 1 to each church.

  • See the Policy and Procedure Manual

Article IV – Messengers

At the Annual Meeting or Special Called Meeting each member church is entitled to a minimum of three (3) messengers, with one (1) additional messenger for every twenty-five (25) members or a major fraction thereof above twenty-five (25), based on churches resident membership. No church will be entitled to no more than twelve (12) messengers. The messengers from these churches will:

  • approve the Annual Budget and the Calendar of the Association.
  • approve the new Administration Team members and all newly nominated officers, Team and Committee members.


The quorum for an Annual Meeting or Special Called Meeting shall be those messengers in attendance. Note: No Property (land or buildings) that belongs to the Association may be sold without the approval and recommendation of the Administrative Team. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the messengers attending the Annual Meeting or a Special Called Meeting of the Association is required for approval. All churches and missions in the DPBA shall be notified ten (10) days in advance of such pending action.

Article V - Associational Officers

The officers of this Association shall be the current DOEM Association Missional Strategist (AMS), the President, Vice-President, the Treasurer (if elected and not staff) and a trustee Secretary.

Section 1 — Election of Officers

The administration team will elect the association officers from the newly-elected Admin Team representatives.

  • See the Policy and Procedure Manual


Article VI - Standing Ministries, Teams and Committees

Section 1

This Association of churches has one standing Team, the Administrative Team. The Association can create and dissolve any Team, Ministry or Committee as the Spirit of God leads.

  • See the Policy and Procedure Manual for detail job duties/descriptions of current Teams, Ministries, and Committees


Unless otherwise provided by action of the DPBA in designating a Team, Ministry, or a Committee, a majority of the whole group shall constitute a quorum and the act of a majority of the members present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be an act of the committee.

Section 2 - Annual Election

The Administrative Team working with the DOEM shall develop a nomination list representing the Teams, Ministries and Committees to fill any vacancies. A list of current vacancies will be sent out to the churches for nominations. All nominees shall be in good standing and active in their local church.

All nominations shall be reviewed by the Administration Team and then brought to the Annual Meeting or Special Called Meeting for recommendation. This list will be presented at the Annual Meeting for approval by a majority vote.

Each serving member will serve a three (3) year rotation term. A member who fulfills a complete term of service may be eligible to serve again only after no one else can be found to fill the position. The Associational DOEM and/or President and Vice-President shall be an ex officio member of all Teams, Ministries, Committees and/or AD HOC.

The standing administrative team, working with the associational secretary (staff), shall send out a reminder to the churches to submit a list of messengers (30 days prior to the annual meeting) who will represent their church at associational meeting(s), (and any other special called meeting). From the church messengers, the churches will also approve one to serve on the administrative team. All messengers will have the authority to speak and vote for on behalf of their church and they shall be in good standing and active in their local church.

Messengers will represent their church for the approved calendar year and may continue to serve as a representative of their church for as long as their church approves them for service. As the Holy Spirit leads, any team, ministry, committee and/or ADHOC that is formed during the year will be made up of volunteers from the administrative team for that year. The administrative team will reconfirm or fill vacancies in these areas each year. The President and Vice-President shall be an ex officio member of all teams, ministries, committees and/or ADHOC.

Section 3 - Vacancies

Vacancies in the membership of any Team, Ministry, or Committee during the year may be filled by appointments at the discretion of the Administrative Team to complete the term and later approved by the Association at the next Annual Meeting.(Ephesians 4:11-16; Colossians 3:17; Hebrews 13:7).

Any vacancies of church representation on the administrative team will need to be filled at the at the discretion of the local church. The new representative will complete the term of the person who stepped aside. (Ephesians 4:11-16; Colossians 3:17; Hebrews 13:7).

Section 4

The three (3) year rotation terms of those serving members begins and ends with the Annual Meeting.

The terms limits of serving as the local church messengers and its representative on the administrative team is solely determined by the church as they elect their representation each year prior to the annual meeting. (Ephesians 4:11-16; Colossians 3:17; Hebrews 13:7

Section 5

The fiscal year of the Association shall be January 1 through December 31.

Article VII – Composition

Section 1 - Director of Evangelism and Missions (DOEM)

The DOEM under the leadership of the Holy Spirit is responsible to the Lord and to the Association for the responsibilities outlined in the Policy and Procedure Manual. He is to carry out his duties in a Christ like manner, exhibiting Christian character (Philippians 4:8).

He is to plan, coordinate, and evaluate all programs and related ministries; to help carry out of the objectives of the Association; and to supervise the work of the associational staff; in a Christ like manner, exhibiting Christian character (Philippians 4:8).

The DOEM is an ex officio member of all Ministry Teams, Committees and/or ADHOC and is accountable to the DPBA Administration Team and to Churches of the Association.

  • See the Policy and Procedure Manual for detail job duties/description

Section 1 – Association Missional Strategist (AMS)

The AMS, under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, is responsible to the Lord and to the Association for the responsibilities outlined in the Policy and Procedure Manual. He is to carry out his duties in a Christ like manner, exhibiting Christian character (Philippians 4:8).

The AMS is the associational representative to the Arizona Southern Baptist Convention (Philippians 4:8).

Section 2 - Administration Team

All work of the Association shall be under the supervision of the Administrative Team consisting of a minimum of seven (7) pastors or church representatives and the Convention Council Representative each serving on a rotating term not to exceed three (3) years. The Associational staff serves as ex officio members.

Any member of any Desert Pines Church may a attend Administrative Team meetings and may participate in discussions, ask questions, make suggestions and receive documents of the meeting. Only Administrative Team members can make motions, amend motions, and/or vote.

The Administrative Team will address such matters as budgeting, calendaring, policies and procedures, personnel issues, nominations and shall prepare recommendations in these areas for approval by the messengers at the Annual or Special Call Meetings. The Administrative Team may appoint ADHOC as needed, provided that members are in good standing and active in their local church.

The Administrative Team shall have a Chairman who shall be known as the President of the DPBA and Moderator. A Vice Chairman who shall be known as the Vice-President of the DPBA and Vice Moderator. Their primary duties are to assist the DOEM with pastoral contact and reporting on the activities of the Teams/Committees they are serving attending.

All work of the association shall be under the supervision of the administrative team consisting of church representatives, each serving a term of one year or for as long as they are elected by their local church. The Associational staff serves as ex officio members.

Any church member of any Desert Pines Baptist Church may attend the administrative team meetings and may participate in discussions, ask questions, make suggestions, and receive documents of the meeting. Only administrative team members can make motions, amend motions, and/or vote.

The administrative team will address such matters as budgeting, calendaring, policies and procedures, personnel issues, nominations and shall prepare recommendations in these areas for approval by the messengers at the annual associational or Special Call Meetings. The administrative team may appoint ADHOC teams as needed or any other group of service as the Holy Spirit leads.

The administrative team shall elect a Chairman who shall be known as the President of the DPBA and Moderator prior to the annual meeting each year. A Vice-Chairman who shall be known as the Vice-President of the DPBA and Vice-Moderator prior to the annual meeting each year.

  • See The Policy and Procedure Manual for detail job duties/description.

Section 3 – Associational President and Vice President

(a) President. The President shall preside (moderator) over the Annual Meeting and act as the Chairman of the Administrative Team. The President by his election becomes an ex-officio non-voting member of all DPBA Teams, Ministries, and Committees and shall work with the DOEM in pastoral care and in accomplishing the goal of the DPBA and other duties as the DOEM assigns. The President shall be elected separately to a one-year term at the Annual Meeting and may not succeed himself/herself more than once consecutively.

(a) President. The President shall preside (moderator) over the annual meeting and act as the chairman of the administrative team. The President, by his election, becomes an ex-officio non-voting member of all DPBA teams, ministries, committees, and ADHOC, and shall lead the administrative team in assisting the pastors and the churches any way they can. The President shall be elected by the administrative team separately to a one-year term prior to the annual meeting each year.

(b) Vice President. The First Vice President shall preside (vice-moderator) over the Annual Meeting and act as Vice-Chairman of the Administrative Team in the absence of the President, or at the President’s request, and shall automatically accede to the office of President in the event the office is vacated for any reason by the duly elected President.
The Vice - President by his election becomes an ex-officio non-voting member of all DPBA Teams, Ministries, and Committees and shall work with the President and DOEM in pastoral care and in accomplishing the goal of the DPBA and other duties as the DOEM assigns. The Vice President shall be elected separately to a one-year term at the Annual Meeting and may not succeed himself/herself more than once consecutively.

(b) Vice-President. The First Vice-President shall preside (vice-moderator) over the annual meeting and act as Vice-Chairman of the Administrative Team in the absence of the President, or at the President’s request, and shall automatically accede to the office of President in the event the office is vacated for any reason by the duly elected President. The Vice-President by his election becomes an ex officio, non-voting member of all DPBA Teams, Ministries, and Committees and shall work with the President to lead the administrative team in assisting the pastors and the churches any way they can. The Vice-President shall be elected by the administrative team separately to a one-year term prior to the annual meeting each year.

Section 4 - Nominations

Sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting the Associational office shall send out nomination forms to the churches of the DPBA that will include the nominations for President, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Clerk. The rotating terms that are creating vacancies in the Teams, Ministries, and Committees will also be listed. The church must return the form to the Association office within ten (10) working days if the church wishes to submit a nomination(s). The Administrative Team working with the DOEM shall make inquiries into the interest and character of the candidates. If both are in agreement the nominations shall brought to the Associational at the Annual Meeting where they shall be approved by a simple majority vote.

Sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting the associational office shall send out reminders to the churches of the DPBA to elect their messengers (one of whom will also serve on the administrative team). The church must submit a list of approved messengers (and the name of the messenger who will serve on the administrative team) (30) thirty days to the association secretary.

  • See the Policy and Procedure Manual

Article VIII – Meetings

Section 1 - Annual Meeting

The Desert Pines Baptist Association shall meet once a year for an Annual Meeting to conduct the business of the Association.

Section 2 - Special Called Meetings

If there is need that requires an Associational approval that cannot wait for the Annual Meeting a Special Called Meeting of the whole Association can be called by the Administrative Team. There must be a ten (10) day notice given to all the churches of the DPBA. This is done verbally and/or in writing stating the purpose the date, time and place of the meeting.

NOTE: In the case of extreme urgency where the approval of the Administrative Team is impractical, the DOEM or the President can call for the Special Called Meeting. This same action is done verbally and/or in writing stating the purpose the date, time and place of the meeting ten (10) days in advance.

Section 3

All business shall be conducted in a Christian manner (Proverbs 6:16,19; Romans 12:21, 14:1, 10-13, 19, 21; 1 Corinthians 14:33; Galatians 1:7-9, 6:1; Ephesians 4:15, 30-31;1 Thessalonians 5:14; 1 John 2:9, 3:14-15).

The President and/or Vice President will use wisdom in allowing for time for discussion on a motion or amendment. The purpose of discussion and voting is to empower those in attendance to understand the motion/amendment and express their wishes either for or against the motion/amendment.

If there exists a dispute the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be the recognized authority for all parliamentary procedures.

Section 4 - Electronic Voting and Attendance

(a) E-mailing Voting

Due to the distances between the churches of the Desert Pines Baptist Association, and the occasional need for the Administrative Team to vote on an issue, an email vote is acceptable.

(b) Electronic Attendance
Due to the distances between the churches of the Desert Pines Baptist Association Teams, Ministries, and committees may hold meetings using electronic devices.

  • See the Policy and Procedure Manual

Article IX – ByLaw Amendments

Section 1

These ByLaws may be amended at the Annual Meeting or a Special Called Meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those present.

Section 2

Any proposed amendment(s) to the By Laws must be presented to the Administration Team members at any Administrative Meeting for study regarding whatever impact their adoption would have on the work of the DPBA. Upon the Administrative Teams approval they will recommend the amendment to the DPBA Churches in writing, ten (10) days prior to the Annual Meeting or Special Called Meeting.

Article X - Policy and Procedure Manual

The DPBA shall establish a Policy and Procedure Manual. This manual shall be stored electronically and a paper manual will be available in the Association office. It shall contain job descriptions of all Associational Team positions, Ministries, Committee(s) and organizational structure, guidelines and policies related to the Director of Evangelism & Missions (DOEM) and staff as well as general operating procedures for the Association. The Policy and Procedure Manual, once established by the Administrative Team and approved by the DPBA, can be amended by majority vote of the Administration Team and/or the Association at the Annual Meeting and/or a Special Called Meeting.

This document dated October 23, 2021, precedes all previous documents of the Constitution and By-Laws for the Desert Pines Baptist Association.

Approved and adopted this 23rd day of October, 2021 at the Annual Meeting of the Association.

s/ Jessica Boucher, Associational Clerk

s/ Eric Woods, Associational President